sábado, 18 de febrero de 2012

TWH adds Host-ed web hosting plans

Top Web Hosting Comparator has added 10 shared web hosting plans of Host-ed to his data store:

* Personal Hosting Plan with a 3 month contract period (5.99 $/mo)
* Personal Hosting Plan with a 6 month contract period (4.49 $/mo)
* Personal Hosting Plan with a 12 month contract period (3.99 $/mo)
* Personal Hosting Plan with a 24 month contract period (3.89 $/mo)
* Personal Hosting Plan with a 36 month contract period (3.69 $/mo)

* Business Hosting Plan with a 3 month contract period (6.06 $/mo)
* Business Hosting Plan with a 6 month contract period (5.68 $/mo)
* Business Hosting Plan Plan with a 12 month contract period (4.54 $/mo)
* Business Hosting Plan with a 24 month contract period (4.46 $/mo)
* Business Hosting Plan with a 36 month contract period (4.23 $/mo)

Host-ed Offers a wide variety of hosting plans with a very competitive price. Host-ed doesn't offer promocional prices, its prices are for all time you contract or renewal a hosting with they.

Host-ed give you the possibility to contract the hosting in one of its two data centers (US or Germany) so you can impruve the performance depending on where your costumers are.

Host-ed have a better prices than others hosting promos (BlueHost, Hosgator, etc) and with Host-ed you can save a 50% comparing with the prices without promo. Host-ed is a very interesting option if you can't contract with a promo price.

A plus for Host-ed is its free web hosting service. You can prove, and launch his/her web application without any cost and if you need more disk space, etc. you can contract the personal or professional hosting.

More detailed information in Top Web Hosting Comparator.

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